Week 10
For Week 10, I read the oringinal Dragonball Manga!
I've only been a Dragonball fan for the past two years or so (which is decently rare for Dragonball fans of my age, which usually grew up with the series), but I remember seeing some Dragonball Z episodes on TV as a kid and not really liking it, and I never got into the series until I read it.
I think the main reason for this was the over all sharpness of style and emphasis on fighting to save the world that is seen in Dragonball Z that made me not like the series, but reading the oringinal series really showed me what I was missing out on. The oringinal Dragonball manga is fun and round in its style, never really taking itself too seriously until near the end of the series. Also, the oringinal series has a common theme of self improvement through fighting and getting stronger rather than getting stronger for the sake of others. And while both are good morals, I almost enjoy the first more because of how rarely its ever done in media. It also tends to be a more Japanese moral culturally, and makes it unique to the American and European fanbases.
And reading through the oringinal this time, I have a much more in depth love of Dragonball Z and now Dragonball Super. And while they don't have the same charm of the oringinal, Dragonball occasionally touches upon moments of friendship, self improvement, and family that fueled and made the oringinal just so charming in the first place.
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